Getting started
Connecting to your data
Get the most out of but connecting directly to your data.
Cloud data warehouse & application connectors
For information about our industry-leading security practices, check out our Security hub.
To connect a new data sources, in the data panel on the left hand side of a Smartbook, click Add Data Source.
This will open a modal where you can select your data source of choice. Enter the credentials to your data source.
Important: You may need to authorize’s IP addresses to have access to your data sources. See note below.
Your cloud configuration (a note for your platform and IT team)
Depending on your cloud setup, you or someone on your platform, data engineering, or IT team, may need to provide’s IP addresses access to your data source. The relevant IP addresses are shared and maintained under the Add Data Source modal.
Specific data source connection instructions
For help generating service user accounts and tokens for specific integrations, check out our individual pages:
- Snowflake
- Big Query
- PostgreSQL (with Hydra support)
- Redshift
- ClickHouse
- MotherDuck