Creating a service account user

1. Log in to the AWS Management Console

Open the AWS Management Console and navigate to your Redshift cluster.

2. Connect to the cluster

Use a SQL client or AWS Query Editor v2 to connect to your Redshift cluster. Documentation: Connecting to an Amazon Redshift cluster

3. Create the service account user

Run the following SQL command to create a new user. Replace service_account_user with your desired username and password with a secure password.

CREATE USER service_account_user PASSWORD 'secure_password';
  • Replace secure_password with a strong password.
  • Replace service_account_user with the service account user name.

4. Assign permissions to the user needs read access to the schemas you wish to query.

GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA schema_name TO service_account_user;
GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA schema_name TO service_account_user;

Connecting Redshift to

Once you’ve generated your service user credentials, follow the steps in Connecting to Your Data

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